Photo: Jytte Bille founder and CEO of STAÏ and Svend Erik Andersen Partner CFO & COO, at Kick Off event of LEAP FORWARD at Digital Hub Denmark. Photo by Sebastian Stigsby

STAÏ`s Mission

Make it easy to keep a strong and healthy body.

How did you get the idea to build STAÏ
I have been following the market for healthy living and supplements for more than 30 years. In recent years, daily recommendations are primarily “Stand Alone” supplements. Instead of taken five, six og seven different supplements, I wanted to find an “All-In-One” supplement. It didn`t exist, so in collaboration with experts in dietary supplements, the STAÏ shake was launched in April 2017.

What makes STAÏ supplements unique
STAÏ deliver an “All-In-One” shake, where you get all the important nutrients. Vitamins, minerals, proteins, omega3 and collagen.

It’s easy and simple. You only have to think about one product. The nutrients are carefully selected and composed with a focus on efficient absorption in the body.

Included in the set is the flaxseed oil, which gives you omega3, and the oil ensures that the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, provide the optimal absorption.

What is your business model
STAÏ is a subscription company which is scalable.

What is your recommendation to other founders
Believe in yourself and remember your purpose.

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